When you are thinking about the design of your house, it's easy to get caught up thinking about everything you should do with every room. Whatever you do, though, the living room should be your centerpiece. It's the room that guests will see first and the room where you'll host, gather, and entertain. Essentially, it's the heart of your home. 

Let's go over some living room decor ideas to make this all-important room exactly what you want it to be.

How to Decorate a Living Room

1. Declutter

If you really want your living room to shine, it might be a time to look at all of the things you've accumulated over the years. Having a lived-in home feels great, but oftentimes when we are so used to something we have a hard time realizing what we really need — and what we don't. Sometimes the best living room decor ideas are those that involve minimizing, as opposed to adding. What do you really need? What do you want your living room to look like? Find the things that you love and stick to those. Then you can start thinking about living room decor.

2. Lighting

Does your living room feel dark or claustrophobic? Lighting plays a huge role in the overall look and feel of not just your living room, but every room. Consider swapping out those old curtains for a new set of blinds, or something else that allows the light to filter in more than it currently does. Expo Home Improvement offers screenless windows designed specifically for Texas homes that allow more natural light to come in while simultaneously blocking hot, harmful UV rays from entering your home. Further, if you also focus on decluttering, a clean, open space looks even better in the light. By having more room and more light, your guests will feel welcome and free to move around. Light also brings out any accent pieces you have and allows your living room wall decor to pop. 

3. Color

Even if you like the color scheme in your home, it might be time for an upgrade. Changing the color of your living room will quite literally change the mood of the space. It's up to you to decide what mood you want that to be, but there are a few things to consider. If you want it to be a more introspective space, maybe consider light greys or something that dampens the light a bit. If you want the room to feel free and full of energy, go with bright colors, like light blue or white. You can even go for deep colors, like navy or dark green.

4. Focus

You want your living room to be visually appealing. You want it to be a room that your guests will be impressed with. To ensure that it is, you will want to define an area of focus in the space. This could be art or a piece of furniture. Whatever it is, you want one thing to really stick out and have the rest of the room complement it. Maybe instead of having the couch in the corner, it should be front and center. Even practical things that have always served a practical purpose can become an eye-catching, compelling focal point.

5. Flooring

Maybe it is time to pull up that old carpet. Or, maybe it's time to add carpeting. If you already have wood flooring, perhaps a new theme-consistent rug is called for. Or, maybe your wood flooring needs to be re-done. Whatever it is, changing the ground that you walk on can have a huge impact on the way that your living room looks and feels. If you are wondering how to decorate a living room, starting from the ground up — literally — is a great idea.

How you decide to redecorate your living room is completely up to you. Whatever you do, though, enjoy the process of being creative in your home. And to get some expert help in bringing your visions to life, get in touch with Expo Home Improvement today!
