Owninga home can be hard work. Making surethat it keeps looking nice and is always in good condition takes time, money,and effort. But the payoffs are huge. Especially when you consider how muchhomes can increase in value over the years. In addition to the normalappreciation that comes with owning property, there are steps you can take tomake it worth even more.

Oneof the key ones is to do renovations that increase home value. Of course, thereare a lot of upgrades you could make to your house, so the real question iswhat renovations increase home value the most?

Hereare three areas that will give you a great return on your investment.

Bathroom Renovations

At the top of the list of renovations that addvalue to your home is the bathroom. For such a small room, bathrooms are aplace where we spend a lot of time. By upgrading just a few things, you canmake your bathroom feel more welcoming and look like new, all while increasingyour home's value.

Update the Fixtures

The fixtures in a bathroom really set the moodfor the whole room. No matter how nice the floors are, or how nice the paintis, if the sink looks old and the fixtures are rough, the bathroom will notfeel welcoming. Updating them with new and trendy ones can make the room feelrelaxing and inviting. It's especially nice to pamper yourself with a new rainshower head that feels like standing under a waterfall.

Install Better Lighting

While simple overhead lighting may be enoughin other rooms, a bathroom is the place where you want to be able to seeyourself in the mirror. That's why it needs to have great lighting. There are alot of options available these days to brighten up your bathroom, but one ofthe best is bath bars. These contemporary looking fixtures diffuse lightthrough the room and can be mounted over or on the sides of your mirror to giveyou the perfect lighting you need.

Kitchen upgrades

Next up for what renovations increase thevalue of a home, is the kitchen. This is a room where you and your family spenda lot of time. It's a place of both work and relaxation, and it should be bothpractical and inviting. With some minor upgrades it can add lots of value toyour home and make you want to do some more cooking!

Upgrade Your Cabinets

When people think of upgrading their kitchen,often the first thing they think of is the appliances. While those are important, so are thecabinets. They not only house all of your pots, pans, and food items, they alsodecorate and set the overall feel for the whole room. And they can be done veryinexpensively. Instead of having to install all new cabinets, you can justrefinish and reface your current ones. Some new paint and updated hardware willmake your kitchen look like new.

Is it Time for New Counters?

New counters can be expensive, but you don'thave to break the bank on granite or quartz. Other, less expensive options, like laminate or tiles, work just fine.You can also use cheaper versions of the nice stuff, like granite remnants orlower quality stone slabs. Either way,the key is to make it match your home and your style. If your old counters are worn from lots ofuse, an upgrade will do wonders for the look of your kitchen, even if you stickto less expensive options.

New Windows

Upgrading your windows won't just increase thevalue of your house (but it will do that too), it will also give you immediatereturns by increasing your home's energy efficiency. Newer windows have lots ofincredible technology, like low-emissivity glass and argon gas insulation. Thatequates to savings on your heating and cooling bills.

But what makes windows one of the bestrenovations that increase home value is the fact that they're not just for youand your family. While new windows can let in more light and make the interiorof your home feel cozier, they are also seen by anyone who happens by yourhouse. So updating your windows can do wonders for your curb appeal. Firstimpressions are key, so when you're looking to increase your home value,upgrading the outside of the house - the first thing a potential buyer will see- is a great strategy.

Expo Knows What to Renovate toIncrease the Value of Homes

Upgrading your home can be daunting. There areso many choices to make and so many potential updates that might add realvalue, or might just make you feel good. But you don't have to figure it outall on your own. Expo Home Improvementknows what renovations add value to a home, and we can help you decide whichones are best for you. That's why we offer free consultations, to give you thechance to talk to professionals about what you want, what your goals for therenovation are, and what kind of upgrades fit your taste and budget.

Since 2006, Expo Home Improvement has been helpingfamilies to create the homes they've always wanted. And we'd love to help youtoo. Our professional craftsmen will create custom designs just for your houseto fit your preferences, adding value and joy to your home.