Choosinga new front door for your home may seem straightforward - you just need to findsomething that looks good, right? Well, yes and no. Of course, you want any dooryou buy to give your house a strong curbside appeal. But there are other factorsthat are important as well. Mostimportantly, you want a door that will provide security so your family canrelax knowing they are safe from any potential predators wanting to breakin. Here are 3 important factors to helpyou decide the best material for your front door.


The safety and security of your home should beat the top of the list when you are deciding what the best front door materialis for your home. While other factors are important, they pale in comparison tothe need to keep your family safe.

While there are a number of materials you canchoose from, like wood, aluminum, and fiberglass, without a doubt, the safestfront door material is heavy-duty steel. And, even though steel doors are thestrongest and have a number of other benefits, they are also the leastexpensive type of door as well.

Steel doors have an internal frame that iseither made from wood or steel to give them greater strength, with foaminsulation filling the unused inner space. Because steel is so strong, thesedoors will hold up, no matter how much they are beaten, rammed, or abused.

Anyone trying to break into your home willfind themselves in a losing battle if they try to break through one of thesedoors! And, because of the way they areconstructed, steel doors also have other benefits for your home such as long-life durability and increased energy efficiency.


When looking at all the front door materialoptions, durability and security go hand in hand. The stronger and more durable a door is, theharder it will be for someone to break through it. But durability isn't justabout being able to take a beating.

Through years of wear and tear, even a strongdoor can begin to show signs of abuse. Steel is, again, a great option whenlooking for a durable door. While theycan be prone to denting, they don't chip like wooden doors can, and any dentsand dings can be pulled out and fixed with a car repair kit.

However, if you're looking for the materialthat will last the longest with the least maintenance required, the answer isfiberglass. This material is designed to not dent, chip, or rot and will lastfor years in all kinds of weather. And, when it's properly installed in astrong frame, it can be nearly as secure as a steel door.

While fiberglass is more expensive than steel,if you're looking to install the best all-around door that will providesecurity, energy efficiency, and long-term durability, fiberglass is a greatway to go.

Energy Efficiency

Another major factor in choosing front doormaterials is how energy efficient they are. Again, fiberglass wins in thiscategory. After all, it's a man-made material designed with energy use in mind.

All fiberglass doors have a thick layer of foaminside to protect your house from the elements and insulate your home formaximum energy efficiency. This can be true of steel doors as well, but thereis more variability with steel, with some doors having efficient foams fillingthem, and others left empty besides the internal frame. Steel also naturallyconducts heat more, making it less energy efficient. For a natural insulator,wooden doors are also a great choice. However, you need to choose a good hardwood option to get the most energy benefit out of a wooden door.

Because manufacturers work so hard to developnew ways to improve energy efficiency today, all three of these materials canmake a good door for saving you money on your power bill. Choosing between them will really come downto deciding what your particular needs are, and which material will do the bestjob at meeting all of them.

How to Decide

With so many factors that go into whichmaterial will be the best for your front door, it can be hard to decide whichone to choose. The best option is tohave a professional who can help walk you through the process and figure outexactly what you need. That's why Expo Home Improvement is here to give you theguidance and support you need to buy and install the perfect door for yourhome.

We have a wide selection of all types of doorsmade from all the best materials. We'll make sure you get a door that's secure,durable, energy-efficient, all while looking great and increasing your home'scurb appeal! So, call today to get a free quote and take the next step towardmaking your home the cozy, safe haven you want it to be!